You worked hard to get your first car. With proper maintenance, your car should last you a long time. Unfortunately, if you’re not familiar with vehicle maintenance, you might miss some very important steps. While changing the oil is important to the safety of your car, there are some other steps you’ll need to take to keep your car in proper working order. Here are four steps you should take to help your car last longer.…
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Your transmission is a critical part of your vehicle that should be maintained with diligence. It is the part that lets you shift up and down as you speed up and slow down when you drive. Blowing a transmission can be costly, as the installation of a new one can cost as much as $8,000. In order to avoid having your transmission blow out and to be sure that your vehicle is working to the best of its ability, you should keep reading and use some of these valuable transmission repair and maintenance tips, which every driver should be aware of.…
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Transmission services are common needs among vehicle owners, and you want to nab as much business in this avenue as possible. Here are a few ways you can bring in more customers for transmission services (such as is done by Terry’s Transmission) and repair to boost your business.
Offer payment plans
Repairing a transmission can cost upwards of $2,800 whether this is done by rebuilding or replacing of the unit.…
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