Finding Better Automotive Care

Dealing With Damage To Your Car After An Accident

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If you have been involved in a collision with your car, you may have some damage that you need to deal with. Taking your car into an auto body repair shop is the best way to determine just how extensive the damage is and what is required to make the needed repairs.  Inspection and Estimates When you have your vehicle taken to an auto body repair shop after an accident, you need to pick the one you are comfortable with.…

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2 Differences In Diesel And Gasoline Engines

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A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine and works quite similarly to a gasoline engine, but it isn’t exactly the same. There is enough of a difference that you can’t switch gas and diesel in the same engine without causing serious problems. Part of the reason for that is because diesel is a denser fuel than gas is. It doesn’t combust in the same way. You can actually toss a lit match into a pool of diesel and nothing is really going to happen because of diesel’s chemical makeup.…

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