If you drive a late-model Prius and the check engine light just came on, it’s not time to panic just yet. Check engine lights can typically indicate any number of issues, and the most common error codes are rarely expensive. With early generation Priuses, cooling system-related failures are one culprit you can expect to see.
Which Trouble Codes Indicate a Cooling System Problem?
If the check engine light is on in your Prius, your first step should be to read the OBD-II trouble codes from the computer.…
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If you live in the United States and drive a vehicle manufactured after 2008, then your car likely came equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). These government-mandated systems alert you to low tire pressure conditions, allowing you to act before suffering potentially severe damage. Depending on your car’s model, your TPMS may or may not indicate which tire has a problem.
Once you have a warning light, there are a few steps you’ll need to take to repair the issue.…
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Are you readying your trailer for a long ride but would like to ensure everything is working perfectly? Your best bet would be a trailer repair service. Repairing a trailer on your own is not an easy task, especially if you don’t have the proper tools and equipment. Trailer parts are heavy and unwieldy to handle without heavy-duty equipment. Your skills may also be inadequate to do proper diagnosis and repair.…
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